Grain of Wheat | Scripture Song

The Cross of Christ: To Gain His Bride

Pray like the Apostles did

My Experience of Contacting God | John 4:24

Christian Music | The Altar and the Tent

What is the Jubilee? | Luke 4:18-19

Jacob’s Song | Christian Music

Scripture Song | Ephesians 3:20-21

Filling the Eternity in our Heart | Ecclesiastes 3:11

Ruth’s Redemption | Christian Music

Faith is not Feeling | Ephesians 2:6

“The Way from Bethel” | Christian Music

God Meant it for Good | Genesis 37 – 50 | Scripture Song

Is Jesus in the Heavens or in us? | Matt 28:20

Spiritual Progress is a Fight | Num 14:24 & Col 2:6

God’s Economy | Ephesians 3:9

How do we Love God? | 1 John 4:10

God’s Purpose in Creating Man | Genesis 2:7

Daniel & Prayer

Missional Communities & their “Organic” Growth